Walking on the beam was really fun. By Emaraina
I felt a little bit wobbly on the beam but I still did it really well. By Nevaeh
I liked walking over the cones. By Hauli
It was tricky balancing on the beam. By Mele
It was cool walking on the beam. By Izrah
It was awesome walking on the beam. By Luciano
First, I felt a little bit scared and I tried by myself and then the man helped me and I felt a little bit nervous about swinging. Then I did it and it was fun. By Prisha
I tried hard to swing and then I did it and it was lots of fun. By Mackenzie
I liked jumping onto the box because it was so much fun! By Johnny
It was really fun jumping. I almost jumped OVER the box! By Jasper
I was excited that my mum was watching me do gymnastics. She was at school with my brother because he was having a school visit. By Jenna
I was good at doing a handstand up the wall. By Prisha
It was fun on the rings. I did a flip and went upside down. By Minseo
It was fun bouncing on the trampoline and jumping off. By Leon
I liked bouncing up and down on the trampoline. By Lukas
It was cool jumping on the trampoline. I was really good at doing the motorbike landing. By Harlem
The first time I tried I didn't get it right. The second time I got it right. By Sujay
I was really good at doing forward rolls. By Leon
You need to make sure you tuck your head in when you do a forward roll. By Mele
I liked the parachute because it was fun. I went under it. By Eddy
The parachute was really cool and I loved it. I liked it when we walked the parachute around in a circle. I tried my hardest to get the ball off the parachute. By Neirin
I couldn't blow the scarf at first. I kept trying and then I did it. It was so much fun. By Mackenzie